"From wind and water to rising and falling waves---it was the first night of my life spent on a ship, such a big piece of welded together metal, held ever so lightly on the water and ever so lightly tilting to and fro and up and down. As if I had been placed in a giant cradle for sleep, being rocked to sleep, ever so lightly. At first, though, there was a moment of uneasiness as the stability of the Earth seemed to be lost. However, I let go to the waves and suddenly I found the holding power of Water, fluid but strong. Then in the morning, on opening the portal window---shining water holding and giving back the light from itself.
Sitting on deck with a cup of tea, memories rising---falling up---a boat long, long ago on a reservoir, a place much drier than here. My grandpa, fisherman; I, beloved grandson. A bright sumemr day to fish, to be held together on top of the water by sun and sky. I remember after catching my first few fish, how I hated to watch how they gulped for air, their sparkling beauty brought out of their element, gasping---both of us---for air. He always knew after that that I never put bait on my hook. He was just happy that I was by his side, and I that he was by mine. On the water, supported, fluid and strong."
Ship's wake---
water returning unto
Land forced down by ice,
Heaviness retreated,
Rising again above water,
Washing away again
In wind and waterfall.
"Then Dogen asked, 'What is practice?' The old monk said, 'Nothing is closed in the Universe."
-Katagiri, p. 9-
"One aspect of time is to separate; the other is to connect. The aspect of time that separates you from others is the human world. The aspect of time that connects you to others is universal truth. You are connected with all beings in time, which permeates into every inch of the cosmic universe, and space, where everyone and everything exist togethe in peace and harmony."
-Katagiri, p. 11
"Be still, and know that I am God."
The Bible
"Stare at reality face-to-face, without blinking, and become yourself with open eyes. This is Buddha practice."
-Katagiri, p.15