Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hurtigruten Day 5

"The idea of vastness---and how it can be felt on this ship---water and sky going on in every direction---filled with islands and clouds---but only momentarily and then they drift and disappear from view---and new ones appear and again disappear...rising and falling...fading...coming into view...time...being...


We are not separate, we are full of All and Other...the fullness of Nothing, the emptiness of Everything...BRIGHT AND SHINING!


"...so your human consciousness creates an idea of time that connects the past, present and future. Then you believe that time is passing quickly and is characterized by the continuous existence of separate beings. But that is narrow understanding of time which creates lots of suffering, because when you think about time that way, you become egoistice, you believe that another person's time is separate from yours and that you only have to take care of your own time. Then you feel isolated and cold. You don't feel a warm relationship with other people or beings and you can easily hurt them."

-Katagiri, p. 70-


"The source of time is the place where you can see your human life from a broad view."

-Katagiri, p. 76


"There is no gap where you feel separate from time, because your life is the whole dynamic world of time, and all sentient beings are the contents of your life. This is called egolessness."

-Katagiri, p. 78-


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