Death of an old friend...
First, I should say: "Don't worry! It is not a living person who has died, but our camera!" But what a friend it has been. We bought it right before our trip to Australia and New Zealand which was also the time of our first anniversary. As you can see one of the very first pictures shows my partner and of the pictures I love because it shows love! The last picture is the same. I was going up to our place this week and I saw our neighbor's shoes and her child's shoes lying next to each other. I see Franca and Giaccamo often in the week as they are going out for walks and playing and often when I pass by their door I can hear Franca singing Italian songs to Giaccamo. It is always heart warming and a nice point in the day. Somewhow, those small shoes almost seem to snuggle up to the big shoes. I thought it was a wonderful picture and moment. But then the "FEHLER" notice (German for "Malfunction") appeared and the camera made a strange noise and went dark, I realized a friend had died. Thousands and thousands and thousands of pictures during all our trips or with family and friends or on my bike aroudn the city, to and from work, that we wanted to share with each other and everyone we hold dear. It was clear, this camera was an object filled with love and I just wanted to take a moment to honor it in it's passing and say: "Thank you, friend, for sharing so much with so many!"