Wednesday, September 06, 2006


This morning my expectations were really high. For the past two weeks when I rode my bike to work there were always beautiful swans in the early morning on the river, floating among the mist with their long and graceful necks raised. I was completely ready and had my camera with me. However, this morning the swans decided to stay on the other shore and they were sleeping not looking graceful at all!

I felt very disappointed and being so focused on the swans, I had forgotten to be OPEN to what was around me. The thought came to me that I had closed myself off from the morning by only focusing on the swans. As I turned around with those thoughts, I saw a leaf hanging from a tree, being held by the small thread of a spider's web, in the first rays of the sun. It was an UNexpected beautiful sight!

Welcome each moment and be OPEN to what it brings!

hanging leaf,

held neither by branch or wind,

but by the broken woven thread of another,


in morning light.


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