Monday, June 12, 2006

A long time...

Wow! How quickly time truyl passes! I was so busy getting students ready for their final tests and reading so many of their papers that I forgot to write! And how I've missed my blog here. Again, it is seeing what is important in the day...and somehow this was forgotten here. The past few weeks I have somehow been confronted with many images of water and wings. One of the students that I have for a one-to-one has been interested in reading literature and we just finished the book, Birds Without Wings by Louis Bernières. Of course, the book is full of images about birds, but the most important is a short line towards the beginning of the book: "Man is a bird without wings, ...and a bird is a man without sorrows."

At the same time I was reading a book by Charlotte Joko Beck where she compares us to "whirlpools" and this was a very helpful image for me. Here are a few quotes:
"What we can best do for ourselves and for life is to keep the water in our whirlpool rushing and clear so that it is just flowing in and flowing out. When it gets all clogged up, we create troubles---mental, physical, spiritual."
"A stagnant whirlpool with defended boundaries isn't close to anything."
So, for the next while, I'll be talking about Water and Wings!


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