Saturday, June 24, 2006

Letting go...

Today as thoughts were arising, I began to try to work on them. To work to "let them go". When I suddenly realised that by trying to let them go, I was holding on to them or pushing them away. Just exactly what is not beneficial in serene reflection. Let that thought go! Let that thought go! Was a mantra that was running through my head and I felt how I was becoming more and more frustrated as I held onto or pushed the thoughts away, while in the meantime doing so seemed to open up a waterfall, a cascade of more thoughts! Frustration arose, judgmental thoughts arose that this was something I could never do!

Then ever so calmly, ever so compassionately the "Still, Small Voice" simply said: "They will pass..." It was a small moment of complete understanding: Letting go still has an Ego involved, I/ME/ letting them pass, there is no "doer" or "doing".

How wonderful it is to hear the "Still, Small Voice", even in the roaring of the cascade of trying to let go!


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