Wednesday, August 13, 2008

gently, gently

Frankfurt the modern skyline

Yesterday was a stormy day...not only in the sky but also in the clouds in my head. The day started off with heavy rain, but not a cool refreshing rain---rather it was oprressive and humid---only 21° C, but still it made sweat pool on my forehead. My thoughts were heavy and oppressive, too. I began to feel the inner critic chastising me and it was hard to keep going. But then, the Still, Small Voice reminded me:

Gently, gently...

That's can be a hard lesson to learn and even though in the evening as my thoughts were raging and the storm with its wind had begun to howl, I tried to keep that as my mantra:

Gently, gently...

Not only gentleness for myself but also gentleness for others. Suddenly, in the late evenig the clouds began to break and the sunset was stunning, you can see the pictures above taken from differnt windows of our house. Finally, a gentleness began to settle on the night and in my heart. I still woke up a few times in the night, but in the morning I could still hear the whisper:

Gently into the day...

And I went gently into the morning with the sun rising and spreading its light over the river and there in the light were swans swimming. One was in the front and one in the back, in between were three small ones, protected and safe upon calm waters. I being reminded of beauty and love and gentleness.

Tread gently today...


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